

Since the Ebola appeared in West Africa, over 5,000 people have died, and more than 8,000 cases have been reported according to the World Health Organization. The Centers for Disease Control warns that if the virus is not contained, there could be more than 1.4 million people infected with Ebola till the end of the 2014.
Proper hygiene is proved to be one of the most critical ways to prevent infection, so HUMANITY CARE is distributing soap, water buckets, gloves and chlorine; as well as demonstrating proper hand washing techniques.
As the deadly outbreak rages on, people’s lives are at a standstill, as many are living in fear as voluntary prisoners to their homes. Children are not attending school any more. People can’t move about freely to buy and sell goods in the market.  The impacts of Ebola are felt by everyone in some way, and HUMANITY CARE is concerned about the long-term consequences the virus will have on the lives of the poor, vulnerable people who may never become infected.
Another important message of prevention is to eliminate some traditional beliefs and practices, such as treating corpses for burial and attending funerals, as corpses are highly infectious.
These important prevention activities and hygiene promotion are critical to stopping the spread of Ebola. HUMANITY CARE will be conducting these activities in Sierra Leone and Liberia, including in two refugee camps where over 20,000 refugees are residing in conditions where the disease could spread quickly if an outbreak occurs.
HUMANITY CARE is committed to working with partners and the government to stop this deadly virus, and has already used its relationships in communities across Sierra Leone and Liberia to help educate the public on reducing transmission risk through proper hygiene. In Sierra Leone, HUMANITY CARE distributed more than 2000 informational posters about Ebola prevention in the districts of Liberia and Sierra Leone.