Donate For Family

Family Planning Is a Key Pillar of Our Work. It is a proven effective strategy in reducing maternal mortality..

And we support it. Increased investment, targeted programming and supportive policies are all critical to meeting the reproductive health needs of millions of women and men. HUMANITY CARE believes that access to sexual, reproductive and maternal health services is both a fundamental human right and a critical development issue. Supporting sexual, reproductive and maternal health and rights is therefore central to HUMANITY CARE’s commitment to gender equality and reducing global poverty.

A woman’s social, economic and physical status is inextricably linked to her ability to exercise her reproductive rights. As a rights-based organization, our programming and advocacy affirms and supports girls’ and women’s right to safe childbirth, reproductive self-determination and bodily integrity. We work to reduce maternal mortality, increase healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, and the elimination of discrimination and violence.

Across the world, HUMANITY CARE is improving the health and well-being of women, children and families by changing inequitable gender and social norms and empowering women; increasing the coverage, quality, effectiveness, responsiveness and equity of health services; and expanding and amplifying women’s voices, participation and influence in society.